All Collections
Purchasing and downloading
How to copy to clipboard?
Unused balance expiry
Why do you need to confirm your payment on Iconfinder?
What are credits?
The file is blurry/pixellated
Problem with AI icon file
Supported payment methods
What file format is suitable for your intended use?
How to find previously downloaded or purchased items?
Can you buy items without having a subscription?
Where to find receipts / invoices for your purchases?
For how long can you use the items downloaded from Iconfinder?
How to download the Iconjar format?
How to redeem a gift card?
What if an item you purchased is broken or corrupted?
Double-charged for the same item: What to do?
Why does Iconfinder need your VAT number?
For European companies: Do Iconfinder invoices include a reverse charge for VAT?
Is Iconfinder PCI compliant?