The default license on Iconfinder is the Basic license. However, we also offer the possibility to sell your work under the Extended license. The Extended license is more permissive and allows using items on merchandise for sale or as part of book covers, for example. Please make sure to read the terms of this license beforehand.
You can sell items under the Extended license yourself, through the Messaging tool on Iconfinder. The Messaging tools allows you to send Payment requests to customers and manage all non-standard sales easily.
The recommended price for the Extended license is $10 per icon and $25 per illustration.
How it works
Receive a message from a customer
2. Reply to the customer and send a Payment request
The Payment request will look like the one below. You will be able to cancel the request in case there were any mistakes or if the customer decides not to make the purchase.
3. Customer makes the prepayment
4. You deliver the icons
You can attach the files using the Attach file button.
5. Customer confirms delivery
And you are good to go! You can refer the customer to the Extended license terms on Iconfinder, if necessary.