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Packs and families

Martin LeBlanc avatar
Written by Martin LeBlanc
Updated over a week ago

Content on Iconfinder is grouped into packs and families in this way:

You can organise your own content by going to the Manage Products section in your Iconfinder account.

What are packs

A pack is a way to group individual items (icons / illustrations / stickers) into one cohesive container. All items on Iconfinder are part of a pack.

The role of the pack is to group all items that share the exact same visual style and theme. For example, there can be a pack of animal icons in solid style.

Pack of 108 animal icons in solid style:

Naming your packs

Use descriptive names to explain what can be found inside your pack. Refer to the theme of the pack when choosing the name, so that customers can know what to find inside.

Here are some examples of packs with great names:

What are families

A family is a group of packs that match each other visually and that customers can use together to create a consistent design. It is not enough that the icons or illustrations are in the same style - all outline, for example. It is key that they are following the same design rules: same shapes, same colour palettes, same line weight etc. It works just like in a real family: everyone is related and looks like one another.

Here is an example of the Streamline: Bold family of icons.

Here is an example of the Tuesday family of illustrations.

Naming your family

Families are a way to organise and present your products.

Don't use generic names such as "Solid icons" or "Flat illustrations". Instead, we strongly recommend giving your family a unique and memorable name. The name acts as branding for your family.

Here are some examples of families with great names:

For inspiration, take a look at the names of families featured in our Illustration section.

Why grouping in packs and families

Customers rarely come to your shop for just one icon or just one illustration. They usually look for several items that match each other and they can use for their project.

Packs allow customers to find all matching icons for one specific topics. For example, if someone needs vacation-related icons, they can find icons for "sunglasses", "beach" and "hotel" in the same place.

Families are a great way to show customers all the other matching content they might want to buy. You are making it easy for them to buy in bulk. For example, if someone wants to buy business-related icons that match the vacation ones they bought earlier, then would go to the same family where they would find a pack that is business-themed.

For example, inside one family, you would find packs for business, social media, marketing, SEO, office, vacation, home life and so on.

Here is how families on Iconfinder are presented:

When viewing a pack, the rest of the packs from the same family are also presented to customers:

You can organise your own content by going to the Manage Products section in your Iconfinder account.

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