In order for you to be able to use our platform swiftly and easily, we store some of your account information such as your email address and your billing details. Under GDPR Article 17, which is also known as 'the right to be forgotten', you can request for any of your stored data to be deleted. As an EU-registered company, Iconfinder complies with this Article and has adopted the following procedure to data deletion requests:
How we handle requests for erasure
A customer support (CS) representative registers the request and responds confirming that the user's request was received.
CS then check if a user made any commercial transactions (i.e. if they bought icons, a subscription plan). If a user did not make any commercial transactions, their data is deleted immediately from our databases.
If a user made commercial transactions, their data cannot be completely deleted from our databases. Under clause 3 of Article 17 of the GDPR we have the legal obligation to keep all transactions-related data for up to 5 years. In light of this, we partially delete user's data from our databases but keep all transactions-related data.
Response times
For users without commercial transactions, the data is deleted within 1 week from the time that the request is received. For users with commercial transactions, the data is partially deleted within 3 weeks.
More information can be found in our Privacy Policy.