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Policy towards copyright infringing material

Plagiarism, copying, fraud

Martin LeBlanc avatar
Written by Martin LeBlanc
Updated over 3 years ago

We take cases of copyright violation seriously and have adopted the following policy towards copyright infringement. We distinguish between three types of copyright infringement:

  1. Blatant fraud - A designer intentionally uploads icons or illustrations (s)he did not create, and sells them as his/her own.

  2. Plagiarism - A designer copies the work of another designer for inspiration or intentionally.

  3. Overt Adaptation or Derivative Works - While not technically fraud, we do not allow adaptations or derivatives of other designers' work except on free licenses (Creative Commons, MIT, GPL, or Public Domain). Adaptations or derivatives include instances where it is obvious a designer looked at the work of another designer for inspiration and overtly copied the style, concepts, and individual icons (illustrations).

In cases of (1) Blatant fraud we take a zero-tolerance approach. The user is permanently banned and the content is removed immediately.

In cases of (2) Plagiarism we give the designer 24-hours to comply with our demands or we remove the content ourselves. Designers are not banned on their first offence. However, if the infraction occurs a second time, the designer is permanently banned.

In cases of (3) Overt Adaptation or Derivative Works we give the designer 24-hours to comply with our request to remove the offending content or we remove the content ourselves. Designers are not banned on their first or second offence. However, if the infraction occurs a third time, the designer is permanently banned.

Please contact support by sending an email to [email protected] and include a link to the material you believe is infringing. We also need documentation that you are the copyright owner.

We will then take care of the communication from here on after and make sure that the material is taken down if it is in violation of copyrights. 

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